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Get rich formula!

Sami Hoss
4 min readJan 4, 2021


Ways to become rich.

Here are some practical and very effective tips that will make your financial situation better from today and make a serious commitment to follow them. And it not only improves your financial situation but also helps you become happier and feel better about yourself and enjoy your life more.

Incomes are not everything.

Climbing the corporate ladder only takes you away from where you are, and you will reach your potential income and income floor. The rich know that in order to increase their wealth, it is important that your money works for you. In fact, Robert Kiyosaki, author of the world's best-selling financial book The Rich Dad, Poor Dad, has built his monetary philosophy around this concept.

Making money from passive sources is the best way to make money. Investing in passive sources of income that include securities, renting real estate, making a profit from a business that does not require your day-to-day management, creative work, and innovative innovations will be very rewarding.

Multiply your work potential.

One of the steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation is to find out if you are on the right track. Or is the path you have just chosen correctly? Are you sure about that?

These are the questions you should ask yourself in this way. This is the path you need to make sure you can walk as best you can.

In fact, you have to make sure that this is the best way? Many of you have the potential to get better and reach your best, but you do not know if you can get through this stage and reach higher levels.

In many of the jobs, you have the potential to grow and earn more. You may not even know that one of the ways you can grow your career and earn more money is to increase your degree.

I do not know anything!

The most dangerous issue in education is to think you know something. I know this, forget it. I know this every time you tell yourself. From there, the training stops and you will not learn anything new! So believe that no one makes you happier or more miserable except yourself!

If you want to find something in the world, you have to invest in the hidden world. The visible world is the conscious and the hidden world of every human unconscious. Money is not in someone else's bank or hand but in your brain. If you want money, you have to look inside yourself first. Do you think you deserve to be rich?

Set a goal.

Your mind, your thoughts, your upbringing, and your culture are reinforced by purpose. Set your goals.

So it is important to know exactly what your goals are in life and plan to achieve them. Your goals should be visual and quantitative; that means:

Be understood by the five senses. That means to choose a goal that is neither too far away and inaccessible nor too handy and comfortable. They are also measurable.

That means to determine the exact amount and time to reach it. To succeed, take the path of achieving your goals through mental imagery. Throw away your false teachings to get rich.

Why are most of the immoral people in the series rich and every person who has poorer financial conditions is a moral and good person?

Immorality has nothing to do with wealth but is an unhealthy personality trait. Who said money is everywhere in the palm of everyone? Change these beliefs. Please ask yourself and write what comes to your mind when you say money? What is your mindset about money? Can one of the following sentences come to your mind? Money is the grass of the bear, money is the devil and I am an angel, money is under the elephant, it does not bring happiness, and That these are all wrong! Your outside world will not change unless you change your mind.

Ask yourself every moment what do you think? If you focus on your shortcomings and unhappiness, you will become miserable! You are free to choose wealth or poverty! There is no compulsion to live rich!

Be your own boss.

Employees work to make their bosses rich. If you are looking for real wealth, start your own business. According to Forbes, 1426 people from the list of billionaires of this magazine have achieved such a fate by starting a business with their family members.

"Many middle-class employees think it would be very risky to start a business,For a rich man, the dangerous thing is to let your time and income be spent by the boss who gives you the least importance." said Robert Wilson, a financial adviser to CNN and CBS.

